
Laís Morais / TEN Women
Written on August 3, 2024

Finding Freedom in Imperfection

Meet Tessa Cramer, our Q3 program expert, whose vibrant personality and diverse expertise enrich the quarter focused on Innovation Journey in countless ways. Tessa is a multifaceted individual, balancing roles as a Futurist, a Professor at Fontys Applied University with being a devoted mom. Her passion for the future drives her to explore the unknown, she enjoys things that stretch her own imagination, things that she doesn’t really understand right away. From a hobby of practising deep diving to transforming flower arrangements with the Japanese art of Ikebana.

A Passion for the Future

Tessa’s career is a blend of research and creativity. She collaborates with companies and governments to explore the future to inform decision-making in the present. Her love for fashion and the way designers sense what is coming, in colors, materials, and trends – initially drew her interest in the future. Though she knew her true calling was not in design, but in research. Combining the love for fashion with an analytical mind, Tessa discovered her mission: making the future a beautiful, welcoming place for everyone.

The narratives of the past change often, but so does the future. To Tessa, her desire to add a little more imagination, creativity and the possibility to create alternatives for the future are what led her to become a Futurist, driven by the question, “What stories do we actually tell ourselves about the future, and how can we stretch our imagination to come up with more heartfelt, uniting stories?”

Balancing the Digital and Present Worlds

In our increasingly digital lives we tend to reflect on the importance of being present. Our expert faced challenges related to that too. She once experienced an existential crisis, realizing she was so focused on the future that she wasn’t sure if she was neglecting the present. 

This period of introspection revealed her true purpose: helping others feel less fearful of the future, enabling them to live fully in the present moment. “The future is a place where we can go to imagine something better, yet the work is done right now,” she reflects.

Progress Over Perfection

Achieving a balance between striving for excellence and accepting imperfection can be a complex and ongoing journey. There are times when, in the pursuit of high standards, we might lose sight of our deeper purpose, leading to a sense of imbalance.

When Tessa was younger, she found herself grappling with a stronger need for perfection. However, as she grew older, she noticed a shift. Her perfectionism began to diminish, largely due to a growing sense of confidence. She became more comfortable with the idea of not everything having to be perfect, and still be perfectly acceptable.

Her role as a Futurist has played a significant part in this transformation. During her PhD thesis, where precision in language was crucial, she was focused on  finding the  ‘perfect’ words; which is essential in the world of science.essential. However, in the research she was trying to find the right words for, Tessa observed that the drive for perfection often stems from uncertainty and fear. She observed that people tend to react with fight or flight responses when faced with overwhelming uncertainty or the fear of imperfection. y A more useful strategy was to ease the pressure to control every outcome. 

In essence, Tessa believes that embracing uncertainty and being open to the unexpected can help reduce the need for perfection. Her experience has shown her that confidence in navigating the unknown is far more valuable than the pursuit of what is perfect.

Redefining Success on Our Own Terms

How can we redefine success and move away from the pressures of perfectionism? Tessa believes the key lies in understanding our core values and charting a path that aligns with them. Through her own journey, she discovered that the most crucial mindset shift is to focus on what truly matters to us. During her PhD years, she worked a lot, however she later realized that she could do and contribute better by taking her time to slow down.Which is quite a hard practice since our systems seem to be designed for us to be busy. 

Embracing Imperfections and Reflection

For Tessa, freedom lies in embracing imperfections. As someone who considers herself ‘a busy lady’ and enjoys her work, she dedicates time each week to reflect on what truly matters. This practice helps her manage the demanding schedule and focus on her values, ensuring that her actions align with her goals. “Knowing your values and direction is key,” she believes.

“What are you striving for?”

Tessa’s enthusiasm for the future inspired her to repeatedly ask: what matters? To be of value in her work, she created a clear agenda that answers the question: “why am I here?” She only attends meetings that answer this question and only takes on work that suits her. She says ‘no’ often. This approach ensures that her commitments align with her values and priorities.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Part of our conversation included our theme for our September event: “Turning Challenges into Opportunities”.

Throughout her professional journey, Tessa has embraced progress and transformation. Her experience as a leader in an educational organization revealed the complexities of change, colleagues perceived her enthusiasm to change the system as a threat to their stability. This realization was profound, highlighting her own privilege in having the assumption that people want change, often they don’t.

Part of Tessa’s job is to pursue new visions, as she works with the future. Yet, in het work she often encountered significant resistance, which taught her how to manage these challenges, both within herself and among others. A turning point in her understanding of her role,  came from an unexpected source: Strandbeest. A large, wind-powered wooden structure by Theo Jansen that moves along the beach. These creations harness the wind—regardless of its direction—to propel themselves forward. This concept resonated with her, illustrating that progress isn’t about fighting against the wind but actually using it as fuel to move ahead. 

Tessa thinks a fundamental mindset shift can only begin with inner work, to address external challenges. “Often, people assume the future will mirror the past,” she notes, “but this leads to blind spots of the unexpect, therefore it’s essential to consider alternative possibilities.” She believes communities like TEN, offer diverse perspectives, and these are vital for creating comprehensive visions of the future.

In Essence

In a world of constant transformation, Tessa Cramer’s insights offer a guiding light. Her dedication to the future, balanced with a deep understanding of the present, inspires us to embrace change, live authentically, and create a future where everyone feels at home. Her journey is a beautiful illustration of the power of imagination, the importance of embracing imperfections, and the strength found in vulnerability and reflection.

Written by Laís Morais / TEN Women