
Written on October 28, 2022


Meet Carlotta Ronschke, a Branding student, Model and a Visual storyteller based currently in Amsterdam. A vibrant, enthusiastic and creative personality, Carlotta is a fashion fanatic who is constantly inspiring us with her stunning looks. She is an all-round creative with a unique visual language within fashion, branding and art.


T. What are some of your favourite fashion brands? 

C. For me the classy vintage Donaldson still exists. However, I like Sunnei, Alfie, Missoni, Bottega Veneta, Flore Flore and Ralph Lauren.

T. What is your favourite thing about the creative industry?

C. Finding true individuals, working together and being able to put so much personality into work.


T. How do you challenge yourself?

C. At the moment: Learning how to cook. It’s time!

T. What inspires you the most? 

C. The everyday life- I like to observe people and the way how they act or behave.


T. What’s your secret in balancing your lifestyle? 

C. Don’t take yourself too seriously & and take time for yourself.


T. How do you feel like you’ve grown in the past year? 

C. Getting more security of knowing who I am and what I want, by still staying open minded.


T. If you had to move to another country tomorrow, where would it be?

C. Bella Italia or Spain, where I spent most of my childhood.


T. Where do you see yourself in 5 years and potentially doing? 

C. Living in a vibrant city with my sausage dog, surrounded by my loved ones, cooking the best meal they´ve ever tried. see (3)

Working as a creative director and running my own personal project. Maybe got into acting?!

Instagram : @carlotta.ronschke