
Whitney Telgt
Written on September 24, 2021


Love! You want it, you miss it, you give it, or you receive it. We all have something with love, in whichever form possible. Without love there is no us. Love from your family, partner friends or pet. But what about love for yourself?! You don’t always have your loved ones around you, but you are always around yourself. Giving myself love was something I often struggled with. Most of the time I just wanted to give love to other people. And in all honesty, I did not even know how to give myself the love I deserved.
“More often I forgot to prioritize myself while I prioritized others.
I noticed my battery of giving love started to run out, and so I had to make changes within myself. FOR myself and with myself. Moreover, I did not want my happiness to be dependent on others. I started with being more nice to myself. Simply by taking myself on dates, living healthier, but more important by being proud of myself and what I do in life.
But what is self-love? Let’s start with the definition of self-love, because even in the dictionary there is no explicit meaning of the word self-love. Which makes sense because self-love, or love in general, has a different meaning for everyone. Nobody can define what self-love means for another, right? For me self-love is in the small things in life. If I would for example associate self-love with new clothes or a vacation, that would mean that I could not give myself the love that I deserve daily.
“Let’s be honest, in today’s society loving yourself can be somewhat of a challenge.
When you open Instagram, you will see so many images of what you ‘must’ have materialistically. Or who you ‘must’ be as a person. Like having a flat tummy, a nice and strong butt, and so on. The outside is all ‘fixed’, but what about the ‘inside’? This is something we tend to forget from time to time. “I could be wearing a garbage bag and still be shining”, is something I would always say. If you are not happy from the inside you won’t shine from the outside! So, try to shine from the inside out.
“You are unique because there is only one of you in this world.
Be aware of that! There will be many factors making this harder for you, but you are allowed to be here in this world as well! Today is the day you should start with your “journey to self-love”, because the better you take care of yourself the more you will get out of life. Give yourself the recognition you deserve and look in the mirror with pride, because self-love is the most beautiful gift that only YOU can give yourself!
Just like RuPaul said “If you can’t love yourself how the hell are you going to love somebody else”.
Written by Whitney Telgt
Whitney Telgt has a bachelor in applied psychology. She is also specialized in wedding ceremonies. And is currently a trainer in self-love as well as an independent stylist. She has an interest in the broad meaning of self-love and personal growth.